Dr. Daniel DeLucchi
What do you love most about chiropractic?
The progress of each individual patient! In my life, the most rewarding experiences have all included serving, teaching, and helping others. That is why I have a hard time calling chiropractic work. It is an opportunity for me to help, teach, and assist in restoration of function and restoration of lifestyle to those seeking my help.
Whats your education background?
I graduated from the Brigham Young University-Idaho with a major in Health Science and concentrations chemistry and physics. After college I headed straight to graduate school and obtained a second bachelors degree in life science and cum laude with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan University, College of Chiropractic. During grad school I also did plenty of research with some great St. Louis companies including Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS) focusing on injury prevention, Go! Marathon, and Logan University’s Human Performance Center treating numbers athletic injures.
What inspired you to become a Doctor of Chiropractic?
In my youth I was a volleyball fanatic! I played, eat, and slept volleyball! I would come home with bags of ice on my legs, my back, knees, neck, and any other place it would hurt day after day of playing. I was introduced to chiropractic through my father who had chronic low back pain. After visiting the chiropractor my pain was relieved without the medications and pain killers that other physicians recommended and my interest was ignited in chiropractic. In college the obsession with volleyball continued with more severe injuries requiring surgery and rehabilitation left me to seek more chiropractic and physical therapy and while studying pre-med my path was guided by learning first hand what a life of disability would be like.
What is the most important thing to consider when treating a patient?
Everyone is different! No two bodies are the same. I have treated the most elite athletes and the sedentary couch potatoes and each have issues that require different care. My oldest patient is 97 and my youngest was 15 minutes old! I love the approach of looking at the whole body rather than just focusing on one problem area. It is better to treat the root cause rather than just focusing on pain. If you treat the root. Then the pain will go away.
Why Seattle?
I love the Pacific Northwest! Everything from the Hiking trails, lakes, the sound, beautiful communities, and incredible climate! It is the best of nature and urban areas mixed together in one healthy network. My wife is from Seattle and all of her family lives here! (Happy wife=Happy life!)
What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
Family time! Whether it is bike rides, making blanket forts, boating or wrestling kids has to be family! I have four amazing kids (Ages 10-1) and married to the most amazing woman! My family is #1 always and when I am not at work I full my time with enjoying the family relationships I have been blessed with!
What would be your personal motto?
Two come to mind: Work hard and play harder! and Practice what you preach! (I couldn’t stand myself if I told my patients to do something I wasn’t willing to do myself.)
When you were 10 years old, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Something in healthcare. I have always been drawn to health and healing with so many examples in my own family including a grandmother (WWII) and father (Firefighter/Paramedic) who were both in the medical field.
Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me...
In suit and tie and heading to church or prepping a lesson for a youth class I teach.
What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?
Outside of clinical knowledge and adjusting, one of my best skill are teaching my patients why and how to fix the problem using a whole body approach. The word “doctor” stems from the latin word “teacher” and that is what every physician should strive to be.
Why do you do TiktTok videos?
There was so many of my patients asking for stretches and exercises after to do at home. I found a need to keep my patients healthy when not in my office. So i started making short educational videos! After that TikTok reached out to me as a creator to help educate and help the world understand more! 500,000k+ later and my creative side still loves making videos to help others!
Dr. Craig Tuttle

Dr. Craig Tuttle
Dr. Craig Tuttle has been well known as “the chiropractor’s chiropractor” of Downtown Seattle for over 32 years. The purpose and mission of his healthcare office is to provide the highest quality care to his patients. Besides having one of the most sought out and prestigious chiropractic offices in the United States, he has been a distinguished trainer of many of the Northwest’s doctors of chiropractic. He has dedicated his professional life to providing safe, gentle, effective natural wellness care for thousands of families.
As an honors graduate from the esteemed Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Tuttle is certified by the Motion Palpation Institution in motion palpation and adjusting. He runs a family practice, but has been requested to be the chiropractor of the Seattle Seahawks, and he also treats many of the University of Washington Husky players.
Dr. Tuttle is a dynamic speaker who has been a guest lecturer at many chiropractic and wellness events throughout the United States, such as Palmer College of Chiropractic, the Washington State Chiropractic Association, chiropractic conventions, and many private functions on back pain and whiplash management to medical doctors, acupuncturists, and physical therapists. He is a frequent speaker for the Foundation of Wellness Professionals, where he speaks to other chiropractors, schools, health clubs, law firms, and colleges on topics such as: The Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss, How to Be Fit While You Sit, How to Prevent Arthritis, Balancing Hormones Naturally, Fibromyalgia, Trigger Point Therapy, and other various wellness workshops.
Safe and highly effective natural and drug free treatment methods, which help restore and maintain optimal health, are a passion of Dr. Tuttle’s. In addition to holistic spinal care, Dr. Tuttle specializes in extremity conditions (e.g. shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle problems) and is an expert in the treatment of neck and back conditions. Besides maintaining a well established family practice, he is highly recognized for helping thousands of patients with injuries resulting from auto accidents, work injuries, sports injuries, and other trauma-related accidents. Dr. Tuttle’s natural and holistic health care practice emphasizes a balanced approach of personalized nutrition programs, exercise regiments, postural ergonomics, and stress management.
Life changed when he saw how effective chiropractic helped him as a teenager with acne, how it impacted his career as an Illinois All-State basketball player, and later as a collegiate player. Dr. Tuttle is married and has four children. He loves spending time with his family and enjoys many outdoor activities, such as skiing, hiking, and riding his ATV and Seadoo. Dr. Tuttle also coaches AAU Basketball, baseball, and soccer, and is an active member of North Shore Christian Church.